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Professional & Reliable
Cleaning & Maintenance Services in San Fernando & Santa Clarita Valley

 Cleaning & Maintenance Services

Our staff are experienced in cleaning a wide array of buildings, from celebrity homes, post-construction cleanup to small office, store to your home, we will help you.

Specialized Cleaning Services

Ensure and restore the appearance and cleanliness with Grace Facility services’ special event cleaning, accidental incident cleaning, professional floor, carpet cleaning service today, Contact us to inquire.

Post Construction Cleanup Services

We understand the importance of moving into a clean space after any construction  / repair work is completed. It is imperative to the health, productivity and well being of you, your family, your tenants, employees and clients.


Family Owned Company


Tailored For Every Budget, Whether your company is a large Fortune 500 or a small start up, we can create a cleaning service program to suit your specific needs and budget. Whatever frequency of cleaning you require — daily, weekly, monthly or even one-time-only — Grace Facility Services custom tailors each and every cleaning program to ensure the most economical service.

Unlike others, we provide commercial liability & Workers’ Comp insurances to safeguard our clients & meet insurance requirements for your business. Our employees are trained in the most modern and effective professional office cleaning techniques as well as product usage and safety procedures. All cleaning service plans are performed to the highest level of service.